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Freon analyzer
Freon analyzer

Freon analyzer

  • SKU: BD28610
1,699.00 €

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Freon analyzer

Manufacturer: Magneti Marelli -Italy; Warranty: 24 months.


It is a device that measures and examines the condition of freon. Determines whether freon is suitable for use and will not damage the AC system or the filling station. Modern stations have a USB interface and this device can be connected directly or used as standard. Using this device will ensure the quality of Freon, the safety of the system and devices, and quality work. The device is capable of detecting leaks during filling and has warning indicators that indicate such incidents. Because R1234yf is an expensive freon, such a device is very useful to make sure all filling processes are done properly and the freon is not leaking.

Technical parameters:
  • Freon type: R1234yf
  • Power supply: 12V DC
  • Measurement accuracy: 95%
  • Inlet pressure: 1.38-20.7 bar