Set up a car repair shop using 19 thousand. euro support

Great opportunity to start vehicle repair and maintenance activities! If you like to repair cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, often help friends and relatives who have broken cars, always dreamed of owning a car repair business, a great opportunity to take advantage of support and use the quarantine period effectively. After using the self-employment support measure, a number of car repair shops have already been established in Lithuania.

Applications for support for self-employment will be accepted until February 5 inclusive in the customer service departments of the Employment Service, in the territories of which it is planned to establish a workplace. Last year, 1,032 applications for self-employment support were submitted to the Employment Service. Currently funded - 607.

In 2020, we helped to create jobs for the following professions:

Electric Vehicle Electrician (741209)

Electromechanics (741225)

Vehicle painter (713203)

Motor vehicle mechanic (723109)

Car body repairer (330052503)

Tire fitter (821905)

Car locksmith (723117)

Locksmith Repairman (723302)

Vehicle Engine Locksmith Assembler (723101)

Vehicle locksmith-repairman (723124)

Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (452000)

Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (7231)

Car mechanic (723102)

Electrical Engineer (215101)

Locksmith diagnostics (723116)

Car locksmith (723117)

Locksmith (722212)

Car wash (912203)

Electrician (741101)

Vehicle cleaner (912201)

Documents may be submitted by jobseekers with the status of the unemployed who for the first time create jobs for themselves in very small enterprises defined in the Law on Small and Medium Business Development of the Republic of Lithuania and meet one of the conditions provided for in Article 47 (3) of the Employment Law. y .:

disabled people of working age, for whom up to 25% level of working capacity or severe level of disability;

disabled people of working age, for whom 30-40% level of working capacity or average level of disability;

disabled people of working age, for whom 45-55% level of working capacity or mild disability;

young people up to 29 years;

persons over 45 years of age.

The costs provided for in the application estimate must be for the establishment of the workplace or enable the direct performance of work functions in the established workplace. The amount of one planned job subsidy must not exceed the amount of the minimum monthly salary approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 31.03 (EUR 19921.26) on the day of publication of the selection of applications for self-employment support on the website of the Employment Service.

State support funds are allocated for the acquisition, installation and adaptation of work equipment (fixed tangible assets) and for the repair and adaptation of premises required for the installation of the workplace and which are managed by the right of ownership (up to 50% subsidy).

When evaluating applications for self-employment support, great attention is paid to increasing employment in rural areas, areas of the highest unemployment, the contribution of the applicant's own funds and the amount of support requested. It is also planned to create the number of additional jobs, the applicant's ability to perform the job functions in the intended job according to the available qualifications and work experience.


General contacts:


Phone number: +370 670 07076