Auto 2024" - the largest automotive industry exhibition in the Baltic States, now in its 18th year in Riga.

The BalticDiag team actively engages with and monitors automotive market events. Each automotive gathering presents not only an opportunity to witness the latest models or unique "tuned" creations but also an excellent chance to share accumulated knowledge and news with a community united by a passion for automobiles.

Having evaluated the success of the "Auto 2023" exhibition last year, we are delighted to announce our participation in "Auto 2024" this year. This exhibition stands out with its unique exhibits, cutting-edge technologies, and the largest gathering of automotive manufacturers and industry representatives in the Baltic States region. "Auto 2024" will attract professionals, experts, mechanics, and automotive enthusiasts alike.

Upon familiarizing ourselves with behind-the-scenes information and the list of participants, we confidently predict that this exhibition will undoubtedly be a success! Soon, you can expect news and impressions, avail special offers valid only at the exhibition, and get acquainted with innovations in the automotive industry.

We see this as an opportunity to participate and contribute to various automotive discussions. Additionally, we invite you to follow the entire course of the exhibition events on our website and social media!

"Auto 2024" will undoubtedly be a great success and an experience full of interesting discoveries! Join us in Riga!

The exhibition will be divided into three areas:

  • "New cars" - an intriguing exhibition featuring the latest and best-selling automobiles. Expect special offers and a showcase of new car models, electric and hybrid vehicles, driving safety, and other thematic sectors.
  • "Auto Exotica" - where you can admire tuned cars from Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, and other countries.
  • "Auto Mechanics" - showcasing new service equipment, car repair tools, fuel station and car wash equipment, car accessories, commercial vehicle repair equipment, and similar exhibits. Find us at booth D8!

During the exhibition, we will not only showcase the most successful automotive service equipment solutions such as AUTEL diagnostics equipment, JALTEST diagnostics, and everyday tools and devices like wrenches, workbenches, induction heaters, air conditioning refill stations, and more, but also offer discounts on various equipment of up to 50%!


 Register for a personal consultation and receive a FREE invitation to the exhibition. We will distribute up to 40 invitations, so the chances are indeed high. Plus, one lucky winner, chosen by lottery, will receive a universal diagnostic device Autel MaxiAP AP200 (worth 100 euros) directly from the exhibition! All you need to participate is to register using the form! REGISTER HERE.